Matching the best caregivers for the best families is our most important job. And we take this role seriously.
We are always looking for great candidates with the right combination of qualifications, skills, training, interests and aptitudes in delivering exceptional professional family caregiving services.
If you are an exceptional, experienced, trained and certified caregiver who truly cares for people, and who has a proven track record, the right skills / attitudes and desires to work with the best families in Canada…
You will find something unique about our service, in that we take every step to ensure you and employing families have every opportunity to get to know one another.
To ensure the best possible fit, we take care to make certain that all our successful invited applicants meet our clients demanding standards. When applying, you should be prepared with references.
Please Note: Canadian Caregiver Services Inc. is NOT currently affiliated to any international placement services. nor has ever been affiliated to any international placement services or agencies.